University of Delawere Physics Ph. D. 1986~1991
美國德拉瓦大學 物理系 博士後研究 1991/09~1991/12
美國偉博開發公司 研發部 高級研究員 1991/12 ~1994/03
輔英科技大學 共同科系 副教授 1994/08~1996/08
國立臺南大學 材料科學系 教授兼系主任 2007/08-2013/07
(一) 期刊論文 (Journal Publications)
1. Ya-Wen Su, Cen-Shawn Wu, Chih-Hua Liu, Hung-Yi Lin, and Chii-Dong Chen, 2015, "Hybrid stacking structure of electroplated copper onto graphene for future interconnect applications", Appl Phys Lett, 107, 093105 (IF3.82)
2. Chia-Jung Chu, Chia-Sen Yeh, Chun-Kai Liao, Li-Chu Tsai, Chun-Ming Huang, Hung-Yi Lin, Jing-Jong Shyue, Yit-Tsong Chen, and Chii-Dong Chen, 2013,"Improving Nanowire Sensing Capability by Electrical Field Alignment of Surface Probing Molecules", Nano Lett, 13, 2564-2569(IF 13.19)
3. Horng-Shyang Chen, Jyh-Yang Wang, Sheng-Shiuan Yeh, Chii-Dong Chen*, and Hung-Yi Lin*, 2012, “Modulation of Surface Plasmon Wave by Photo-Induced Refractive Index Changes of CdSe Quantum Dots”, Appl Phys Lett, 100, 011102 (IF3.82)
4. Li-Chu Tsai,Ian-Chun Cheng,Ming-Chan Tu,Chii-Dong Chen, Hung-Yi Lin*, 2010, "Formation of single-electron-transistors using self-assembly of nanoparticle chains",J. Nanoparticle Res., 12, 2859-2864 (IF2.48)
5. Horng-Shyang Chen, Tao-Hsiang Chung, Ming-Chou Lin, Yann-Wen Lan, Chii-Dong Chen, and Hung-Yi Lin*, 2010, Voltage controlled photoluminescence blinking in CdSe nano-particles, OPTICS EXPRESS, 18, 26872-26878 (IF3.3)
6. M. C. Lin, C. J. Chu, L. C. Tsai, H. Y. Lin, C. S. Wu, Y. P. Wu, Y. N. Wu, D. B. Shieh, Y. W. Su and C. D. Chen*, 2007, "Control and detection of organosilane polarization on nanowire field-effect-transistors," Nano Letts, 7, 3656-3661 (SCI; IF=9.96)
7. C. S. Wu, C. F. Lin, H. Y. Lin, C. L Lee and C. D. Chen, 2007, "Polymer-based photonic crystals fabricated with single-step electron beam lithography," Advanced Materials, 19, 3052-3056 (SCI; IF=7.896)
8. Hung-Yi Lin, Li-Chu Tsai, Chii-Dong Chen, 2007, "Assembly of nanoparticle patterns with single-particle resolution using DNA-mediated charge trapping technique: method and applications," Advanced Functional Materials, 17, 3182-3186(SCI; IF=6.779)
9. Pei-Yin Chi, Hung -Yi Lin, Cheng-Hsien Liu, and Chii-Dong Chen, 2006, “Generation of nano-scaled DNA patterns through electron-beam induced charge trapping”, Nanotechnology, 17, 4854-4858 (SCI; IF=2.993)
10. Hung-Yi Lin, Pei-Yin Chi, Li-Chu Tsai and Chii-Dong Chen, 2006, “DNA as an Electron-Beam Sensitive Reagent for Nano-Patterning”, Advanced Materials, 18, 1517-1520 (SCI; IF=9.107)
11. Hung-Yi Lin, Li-Chu Tsai, Pei-Yin Chi and Chii-Dong Chen, 2005, “Positioning of Extended Individual DNA Molecules on Electrodes by Non-Uniform AC Electric Fields”, Nanotechnology. 16, 2738-2742 (SCI; IF=3.322)
(二) 國際會議論文 (International Conference Papers)
1. Chii-Dong Chen, Hung-Yi Lin, Li-Chu Tsai, Dar-Bin Shieh, “Nano-bioelectronics-detection of biomolecules”, 2006奈米國家型計畫學術卓越研究成果發表會, 2006National Nanotechnology Program (6/9~6/10台北)
2. P. Y. Chi, H. Y. Lin, C. H. Liu, C. D. Chen (2005, June). DNA nano patterning by e- beam charge accumulation. Transducers '05, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Seoul, Korea.
(三) 國內會議論文 (Domestic Conference Papers)
1. 嚴慶臨、林宏一,利用電荷捕獲技術以DNA為媒介製作鈣鈦礦奈米顆粒圖案,2019功能性材料研討會
2. 蔣佩珊、林宏一,研究CsPbBr3奈米線的鈣鈦礦光感測器,2019功能性材料研討會
3. 林唐鈺、林宏一,結合鈣鈦礦奈米顆粒與石墨烯製作光感測元件之特性研究,2019功能性材料研討會
4. 楊朝越、林宏一,結合氧化鋅奈米顆粒之帶狀石墨烯應用於紫外光感測,2018年功能性材料研討會
5. 劉智坤、林宏一,石墨烯結合氧化鋅奈米柱的光電感測元件,2017年功能性材料研討會
6. 楊蕙瑄、林宏一,以化學浴沉積法製備橫向ZnO奈米柱及研究其對導電度的影響,2017年功能性材料研討會
7. 楊欣屏、林宏一,以帶狀石墨烯結合氧化鋅奈米顆粒製作紫外光感測元件,105年中華民國物理學會
8. 邱柏竣*, 林宏一,"在銅箔上合成大面積單晶石墨烯之研究",2015年中華民國物理年會
9. 張明凱1*, 林宏一,"利用紫外光改善銅箔化學氣相沉積法生成之石墨烯的轉移方法",2015中華民國物理年會
10. 鄭翔文 *, 林宏一,"一維奈米金屬顆粒陣列間隙充填氧化鋅之光電性質研究",2015中華民國物理年會
1. 專利:Hung-Yi Lin, “Holographic Collation”, USA Patent No: 5,216,527
2. 專利:陳啟東,林宏一,蔡麗珠,紀佩吟,以DNA做為電子束微影試劑以製作奈米圖案,2008.4.21~2025.10.13 中華民國 I 296045
3. 專利:Chii-Dong Chen, Hung-Yi Lin, and Li-Chu Tsai, 一種使用DNA為媒介之靜電補捉技術做為奈米顆粒組裝的方法,2011.9.11~2027.11.22 中華民國 I 348549
4. 專利:陳啟東、林宏一、蔡麗珠、褚家容,利用電場排列以促進分子層間結合之方法及其感測元件,2015/06/11~2033/10/30 中華民國 I487903